How to set maximum email attachment size in Exim /cPanel server (message size limit)

There are some situations where you have increase or decrease the maximum email attachment size in Exim. We can do this by following below mentioned steps. Let’s go through How to set maximum email attachment size in Exim /cPanel server.

The size of the email attachment is defined in the Exim parameter as “message_size_limit”

Note : Before editing the configuration file, please make a copy of the file so that we can restore it if anything goes wrong.

We can achieve this by modifying exim’s main configuration file /etc/exim.conf. If you want to set the size to 10MB, then you just need to open file /etc/exim.conf in any text editor (default vi editor) and add the following line and save it.

message_size_limit = 10M

And restart the Exim service by running below mentioned command.

/etc/init.d/exim restart

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On cPanel/WHM servers, this can be done from WHM. Follow the below steps.

Login to WHM Panel >> Main >> Service Configuration >> Exim Configuration Editor

At the bottom, click on “Advanced Editor” and add below-mentioned line to the first text box

message_size_limit = 10M

Click on save.

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