What is whiteboard animation?

Video marketing has arrived in recent years, becoming a key component of any and every successful marketing plan. Marketers have truly latched onto the video bandwagon. Maybe that’s because consumers are 4 times more interested in watching videos about a product than reading a Pamphlet or leaflet about it. A majority of market players have noticed this huge mindset shift amongst customers and have realized that video marketing is their best form of ROI. This is proven by the fact that a staggering 64% of customers are more likely to buy a product on a retail site after watching a whiteboard animated video.

Video marketing shouldn’t be a check in the box at the bottom of your to-do list. Instead, it should become an integral part of your user reach and marketing strategy!

How many of us have actually felt this during a presentation that the presentation is getting a bit boorish and there should have been an alternative solution for explaining complex business ideas through some characters that can speak the words on the presentations. The only solution to this urgent feeling is Whiteboard animation videos.

What is whiteboard animation?

If we can roughly recollect, a large amount of our childhood was spent watching animations and cartoons. Those characters and images stayed with us for a long time and have influenced the way we spoke and reacted like a child. Similarly, Whiteboard animation is a style of video designed to project the storyboard content in a video form representing hand drawings on a whiteboard or white background. As mentioned earlier, just imagine an animated character explaining the quarterly performance results. The entire mood in the board room will change and it will bring a whole new perspective to visualize numbers. In simple words, it’s an apt way to communicate more complex information because the simple graphics are easy to understand.

Originally whiteboard animations were created LIVE by filming someone actually drawing on a whiteboard surface. This was a very tedious and cumbersome process and required strong artistic abilities. However, tools like Doodly make this whole process a lot easier, doing the hard work for you and allowing us to focus on the content rather than worrying about getting the right images for the video.

Doodly is a tool that helps you make incredible whiteboard animations in minutes. Simply select images and music from Doodly’s library or upload your own, add a voice-over and press publish to share with the world.

Benefits of whiteboard animations

  • They’re memorable. Dr. Richard Wiseman’s research states that the audience absorbs and retains 15% more information through a whiteboard animation compared to a presenter speaking and explaining.
  • They’re versatile and suitable spanning any topic from educational videos to marketing content. 
  • They’re easy to create. Unlike live-action video content, you don’t need great expertise, experience, or expensive equipment to create. All you need is a Strong Storyboard and the rest of the work will be handled and managed by tools like Doodly. It will get all the required details and publish the finished output in a fraction of the time.
  • They hold your attention span. It’s like watching a mini-movie, there is a gradual transgression from start to end with the climax being the delivery of product knowledge and making the customer see what the Product wants to be seen.
  • They’re fun! Whiteboard animations can deliver the most complex solutions in a light-hearted way, wherein at the end of the video, the audience will have a smile on their face and a nod of approval in their head. It’s just not selling, but it’s more about convincing the customer through entertainment. 

Who are whiteboard animations for?

  • Salespeople and marketers: Consumers expectation isn’t just video content from brands, but they actually expect conviction and satisfaction. Whiteboard animations are a great way to meet that expectation in the easiest, fastest, and most cost-effective way. 
  • Students: Delivering an impressive-looking presentation can be possible through whiteboard animations. It’s quick to create and easier to explain syncing your speech while it’s playing in the background. It’s solely the student’s choice if they want to talk over the top or record a voice-over to take some of the stress out of the presentation.
  • Educators: It’s proven that whiteboard animations not only improve knowledge retention and student engagement but are also easy to adapt to the different needs of your students.
  • HR and internal communications teams: It can be the perfect platform for passing company announcements. Unlike the routine words and paragraphs of text in an email, animations are hard to ignore. The chances of the mail going into a Recycle bin is lesser and there is a guarantee that it will be viewed and will end up passing more information within a lesser time than it would take to explain in a document or briefing. 

When and where to use whiteboard animation

  • To introduce a topic: Making Announcements OR Launching a new product can be relaxing and effortless with whiteboard animation. The perfect combo of Audiovisual synergies helps grab attention and keep viewers engaged throughout.  
  • To explain an idea: Explaining complex topics wasn’t this easy. Proper usage of visuals with an apt storyline and infographics can help the audience read through the finer lines and can retain the contents of this video for a long time.
  • To summarize information: Rather than speaking for 30 minutes and still leaving a cloud of confusion amongst the audience. It’s better to pick up key pointers and make a simple impactful video so that it’s much easier to retain information using the perfect plenary or revision materials. 
  • To persuade: Simplified view of whiteboard animations tend to have unique designs, thus allowing the message to flow smoothly and preventing it from getting lost amongst stylized graphics. 

A niggling query would be An appropriate place for using whiteboard animation. This solely depends on the business objectives and requirements. Some of the most possible options include: on the website, in emails, in social media posts, in PowerPoint presentations, or as public speaking resources. 

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