How to verify and Enable PHP Module in VPS/Dedicated cPanel servers

This page will give an overview of how to verify and enable PHP module in VPS/Dedicated cPanel servers

How to verify if the PHP module is installed on the server?

The simple method to do is to check the module from the server console after SSH to the server. Please follow the below mentioned exact steps:

Step 1: Get the server root login credential

Step 2: Log in to Server using the root login creds

Syntax: ssh root@<ip address>


~]$ ssh root@
root@’s password:

Please provide the root password, cheers you are in

Step 3: Below mentioned is the command to list all the installed PHP modules in the server:

[root@server ~]# php -m

[PHP Modules]

Below mentioned is the command you can use if you need to check for a specific PHP module:

Syntax :

[root@server ~]# php -m | grep <php module name>

Example :

[root@server ~]# php -m | grep mbstring

Also read : How to Install Let’s Encrypt SSL on Hostname in cPanel/WHM Server

Step 4: If the module is not installed on the server, then use the root credential and login to WHM:
Username : root
Password : Server root password

Step 5: Use the Search on the left-hand top side and navigate to “EasyApahe 4”

Step 6: Select “EasyApache 4” and click on “Customize”

Step 7: Go to “PHP Extensions” and use the search option to select and enable the module

Step 8: Use the next button and complete the installation

Once the installation is completed. You can use the above SSH method and verify if the PHP module is installed on the server

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